What are your thoughts about a new online mentoring program for expat teens? Read all about it in an interview on my blog with Ellen from Sea Change Mentoring.
Archive for August, 2012
I’ve heard it said, when speaking of the US, that there is no greater patriotism, than that of an immigrant. I’ve heard it said of Christians, that those who were forgiven many sins, love more than those who were forgiven few (see Luke 7:36-49). Perhaps it should be said of Rwandans that, some of the […]
Alone, I am nothing. I am made up of little pieces of the world. Bits of many people and places. When I was very little I lived in Burma and there was a small bridge not far from my house where I used to go play. The whole world lived under that bridge and I […]
Its not funny, until you read it through another set of eyes.
Posted: 15th August 2012 by admin in UncategorizedAn Englishman’s View of the Philippines Matthew Sutherland, a British journalist stationed in the Philippines, wrote two hilarious articles over ten years ago pertaining to his take on Filipino culture. The two articles are combined here in into one under “Matter of Taste.†This amusing piece has been published in The Mindanao Examiner and in […]
Counselors: be curious about their upbringing…third culture kids
Posted: 11th August 2012 by admin in UncategorizedHere’s the link to my latest blog post. I would love to hear what your transition was like when you went to university or college.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/M.E./Post Viral Syndrome and being a TCK
Posted: 10th August 2012 by admin in UncategorizedOkay, I must admit, I have been reluctant to make this blog post, primarily because I do not want my fellow TCK’s to think that they are guaranteed to experience what I went through. It is important to remember that we all deal with life issues differently, even as TCKs. It was while I was […]
 Note: Comments are from Michael Pollock Love that poem and the what the character, Aragorn, stands for- a person who stands to inherit much, yet makes his own way for a time in part to protect those he would one day lead and in part out of his own fear of failing to live up […]