Archive for February, 2012

New blog post @DrieCulturen all about a new book!

Posted: 15th February 2012 by admin in Uncategorized

Book review of the book “Expat Teens Talk”

Never a Typical Case

Posted: 10th February 2012 by admin in Uncategorized

Sorry for the messy format!  Original posting with more clean format can be found on Getting so many rejection letters, I think it’s time to rant sort out my thoughts once again. The tough thing about being a TCK is that you are never a “typical case” in almost anything. Google up about going […]

Telling our stories

Posted: 7th February 2012 by admin in Uncategorized

   One of my students this year asked me whether I wanted to reach a broader audience of TCKs and people in between cultures.  Frankly, I had never thought of reaching beyond my own students but realized that in today’s world of electronic connections, it is possible to reach a much broader audience.  But I […]