Hi TCKs and Adult TCKs, I grew up in many places just as you did or are doing right now. The longest I lived in one place while growing up was in Yokohama, Japan. After Japan we moved to Alaska, which is part of the US but still far away from the lower ’48. The rest of my story […]
Archive for October, 2012
How do you say someone who speaks 3 languages? “Trilingual.” How do you say someone who speaks 2 languages? “Bilingual” How do you say someone who speak 1 language? “……..” You decide.
I came across a really interesting article that has to do with the good and bad of re-entering into your home country, which I touch on in this blog. I would love to hear about your own experiences with this. My next blog will be about coping strategies with repatriation.  http://megzysmoods.blogspot.com/2012/10/tcks-and-repatriating.html
http://wp.me/pFwyw-dM Any opinion would be appreciated.